
Exploring Cyanotype: In My Head and on The Paper

Exploring Cyanotype: In My Head and on The Paper

Much of my work entails a lot of preparation

I enjoy this part of the process:

. . . the idea. . .beginning the steps to make what is in my mind a reality

. . . the decisions involved — color, material, process

. . . dying tea bags, opening, closing, composing before stitching

. . . burning paper…choosing the book . . . choosing the paper

. . . what the material conveys and how it portrays content and meaning.

Always the processes and materials I choose include an element of surprise, something I cannot control. This often yields unexpected and unanticipated results that stimulate whole new paths of exploration.

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Welcome to Studio Muse!

Welcome to Studio Muse!

As the world slowed down…

I hunkered in at home, anxious and forced to live more and more with my own thoughts. I found myself increasingly aware and more conscious of my inner dialogue - muttering away, jotting down notes, asking myself questions aloud.

I heard the same from many of my artist friends. This forced pause encouraged an examination of my current path in life and art; in my priorities, desires, sense of gratitude, and purpose. I sensed the fragility of life and human connection. I felt my need of others, and of community.

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