artist studio

Exploring Cyanotype: In My Head and on The Paper

Exploring Cyanotype: In My Head and on The Paper

Much of my work entails a lot of preparation

I enjoy this part of the process:

. . . the idea. . .beginning the steps to make what is in my mind a reality

. . . the decisions involved — color, material, process

. . . dying tea bags, opening, closing, composing before stitching

. . . burning paper…choosing the book . . . choosing the paper

. . . what the material conveys and how it portrays content and meaning.

Always the processes and materials I choose include an element of surprise, something I cannot control. This often yields unexpected and unanticipated results that stimulate whole new paths of exploration.

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My Obsession: Art Tools and Materials

My Obsession: Art Tools and Materials

I have a confession to make...

I have an art materials obsession. By art materials I mean anything and everything I think will help me physically manifest my ideas. The temptation to seek out new materials and tools pops up throughout the year but is particularly acute in the fall when the allure of new materials becomes a clarion call. For me September still marks the “new year,” perhaps from the years of association first with my and then my children’s academic calendar. Fall also happens to be my favorite season. I revel in the sharp air, the achingly blue skies, the crackle and crunch of dried pods and leaves beneath my feet. There is nothing like being beneath a swirl of bright yellow maple or birch leaves as they swirl and dance around me.

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